અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ QUIZ ભાગ 6, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Quiz, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી ગ્રામર Mcq Quiz.
નમસ્કાર મિત્રો ! આ પોસ્ટમાં તમે અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ પ્રશ્નોની QUIZ રમી શકશો.
વિષય | અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ |
ક્વિઝ નંબર | 6 |
કુલ પ્રશ્નો | 50 |
પાસ થવાની ટકાવારી | 60% |
અભિનંદન! 🎉
તમે સફળતાપૂર્વક ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી છે! તમારી મહેનતનું ફળ તમને મળ્યું છે. મહાન કાર્ય ચાલુ રાખો!
અરે! આ વખતે નહીં. 💡
એવું લાગે છે કે તમે આ વખતે ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી નથી, પરંતુ નિરાશ થશો નહીં! દરેક પડકાર વિકાસ તરફનું એક પગલું છે. સફળતા અવશ્ય મળશે.
#1. Sorry, you can’t borrow my pencil, I……….it myself.
#2. What time…….
#3. Which word is a pronoun in the following sentence(1) Do you ever need to give request?
#4. Replace the underlined words to make it grammatically correct?(1) The small child does whatever his father was done.
#5. I saw a ………..of cows in the field.
#6. Success in examination depends…………hard work done.
#7. To err is………..to forgive divine.
#8. The rulling party will have to put its own house………order.
#9. ‘brief’ નું synonyms
#10. ‘Embezzle’ means :……..
#11. The nearest meaning of ‘by far’……………….
#12. The adjective of ‘Value’.
#13. Use Suitable verbs ‘If you boil water it slowly…………….
#14. The pan was scalding hot.’ – In the given sentence scalding is…………
#15. ‘She is climbing a tree’ – Find the verb.
#16. ‘I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.’ – Meaning of heritage :
#17. ‘He is as fat as me.’ – Find the adjective.
#18. ‘Promote harmony and the spirit of common brother-hood amongst the people of India transcending all religion.’ – Meaning of transcending :
#19. The tall girl in the pink dress is getting into the bus.’ – In the given sentence tall is :
#20. ‘Why are you standing in the queue?’ – Find the present continuous verb.
#21. Past tense of ‘Stand’.
#22. Shri Vijay Rupani is the CM of Gujarat,…………..government is in power.
#23. Fill in the blank with suitable pronoun: “This is not your car. This is……….”
#24. Find the correct spelling.
#25. Identify the type of adjective: ‘Ankita is tired after so much work.’
#26. Find the correct spelling.
#27. Which of these, is an abstract noun?
#28. Fill in the blank with modal auxiliary: ‘You……………..wait outside.’
#29. Identify the kind of sentence: ‘Try that one.’
#30. Identify the odd one out from the below words.
#31. Fill in the blank with correct spelling: “Do not………….me.”
#32. Fill in the blank with proper form of verb: “He did not…………..his friend “
#33. Choose the correct possessive and fill in the blank: “Do you know…………..mother?”
#34. Fill in the blank with conjuction : “People love him…………he is helpful.”
#35. Identify the Correct sentence
#36. Identify the Correct sentence
#37. Identify the Correct sentence
#38. Identify the Correct sentence
#39. Identify the Correct sentence
#40. Identify the Correct sentence
#41. A man remains narrow minded, self complacent and ignorant unless he visits other people and………from them.
#42. I can………on him when I have some problem.
#43. It is impossible for an over-worked mother to…………with so many screaming children.
#44. I have……………..for one week’s leave
#45. Time once lost cannot be……………..
#46. I have often…………..why she went to live abroad
#47. The medicine gave him a………….from suffering
#48. One who specializes in birds
#49. People in a riot
#50. To congratulate someone in a formal manner
નીચે આપેલ પરિક્ષાઓમાં આ Mcq Quiz ઉપયોગી થશે.
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અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ QUIZ ભાગ 5