અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ QUIZ ભાગ 3, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Quiz, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી ગ્રામર Mcq Quiz.
નમસ્કાર મિત્રો ! આ પોસ્ટમાં તમે અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ પ્રશ્નોની QUIZ રમી શકશો.
વિષય | અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ |
ક્વિઝ નંબર | 3 |
કુલ પ્રશ્નો | 50 |
પાસ થવાની ટકાવારી | 60% |
અભિનંદન! 🎉
તમે સફળતાપૂર્વક ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી છે! તમારી મહેનતનું ફળ તમને મળ્યું છે. મહાન કાર્ય ચાલુ રાખો!
અરે! આ વખતે નહીં. 💡
એવું લાગે છે કે તમે આ વખતે ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી નથી, પરંતુ નિરાશ થશો નહીં! દરેક પડકાર વિકાસ તરફનું એક પગલું છે. સફળતા અવશ્ય મળશે.
#1. Valley શબ્દનો ગુજરાતી શબ્દ લખો.
#2. He is the man…………I know, you can trust completely.
#3. Give the adjective form of prevent.
#4. Neither the man nor his wife…………….at home yesterday.
#5. Which sentence is wrong?
#6. What does a dentist do to a bad tooth?
#7. Raju was suspended………..
#8. here is the cupboard…………….
#9. Bhagwandas, desiring…………a lot of money, went to London.
#10. My handwriting is better than………….
#11. Very few actresses were…………Madhubala.
#12. Replace the underlined part with correct option.(1) We are greatly exhausted after driving for hours together.
#13. Which means the same as approch
#14. Manhar is the person……….. is taking over my job next week.
#15. Kundan couldn’t imagine…………….. he would be able to find the courage to fight.
#16. By six o’clock tomorrow, I’LL…………..finished my report.
#17. He doesn’t seem to be here. He…………..out.
#18. My parents have been married………….forty-nine years.
#19. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note…………….me.
#20. The baby…………… soundly even when the…………next door play noisily.
#21. We were not alone in the room. He sat………………me. There were others there……………us.
#22. By the time we reach there, the store……………..(close).
#23. Choose the word/phrase that best connects the sentences. (1) We should be doing something about this. We are doing nothing.
#24. Choose the word/phrase that best connects the sentences. (1) The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past. Some scholars tend to study this.
#25. Choose the word/phrase that best connects the sentences. (1) The computer was originally designed for complicated calculations in the 1930s. It became a part of our lives.
#26. Choose the word/phrase that best connects the sentences. (1) Ambiguity of thoughts can lead to disaster.
#27. Use a phrasal verb closed in meaning to the words given in the brackets. (1) It’s too cold in here. Shall I……………..( increase the temperature) the heating?
#28. Use a phrasal verb closed in meaning to the words given in the brackets. (1) What does this word mean? I’II………..it…………..(find its meaning) in the dictionary.
#29. Fill in the blank. (1) adjective form of enemy is……………
#30. Verb form of ‘poor’ is……..
#31. નીચેના શબ્દોને અંગ્રેજી શબ્દકોશના કક્કાવારી ક્રમ પ્રમાણે ગોઠવો.(1) Epitaxy (2) Episode (3) Epigene (4) Epitome
#32. Find correct spelling :
#33. Put proper article : (1) ………….little information he had was not quite reliable.
#34. Feminine gender of ‘Bachelor’ is………….
#35. Fill in the blank. (1) Come …….., please.
#36. Give synonym of : Contemplate
#37. Give a single word for : (1) ‘A place where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation’
#38. Fill in the blank. (1) Go back…………you came.
#39. Fill in the blank. (1) A true……..is one who keeps one’s country’s secret to oneself.
#40. Fill in the blank : (1) ………..I in his place, I would not do it.
#41. Fill in the blank. (1) He, as well as his friends……………to my place everyday.
#42. Give plural form of ‘man-servant’
#43. Fill in the blank. (1) He has been living in Bombay………….last ten years.
#44. Who taught you French? (Change the voice)
#45. Change the degree : (1) ‘He plays better than Rohan’
#46. Make exclamatory sentence. (1) ‘It is a great pity.”
#47. Fill in the blank. (1) Everybody likes……..simplicity.
#48. Fill in the gap. (1) Car : Garage :: Aeroplane : ……………..
#49. Fill in the gap. (1) Our freedom fighters had…………..many hardships.
#50. ………….water runs always deep.
નીચે આપેલ પરિક્ષાઓમાં આ Mcq Quiz ઉપયોગી થશે.
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અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ QUIZ ભાગ 4