અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ QUIZ ભાગ 2, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Quiz, Angreji Vyakaran Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Test, English Grammar Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ Mcq Quiz, અંગ્રેજી ગ્રામર Mcq Quiz.
નમસ્કાર મિત્રો ! આ પોસ્ટમાં તમે અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ પ્રશ્નોની QUIZ રમી શકશો.
વિષય | અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ |
ક્વિઝ નંબર | 2 |
કુલ પ્રશ્નો | 50 |
પાસ થવાની ટકાવારી | 60% |
અભિનંદન! 🎉
તમે સફળતાપૂર્વક ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી છે! તમારી મહેનતનું ફળ તમને મળ્યું છે. મહાન કાર્ય ચાલુ રાખો!
અરે! આ વખતે નહીં. 💡
એવું લાગે છે કે તમે આ વખતે ક્વિઝ પાસ કરી નથી, પરંતુ નિરાશ થશો નહીં! દરેક પડકાર વિકાસ તરફનું એક પગલું છે. સફળતા અવશ્ય મળશે.
#1. No sooner…………call him than he shouted.
#2. We shall play cricket……….it rains.
#3. The PM insisted………..discipline.
#4. She fell while………….
#5. ………….money do you spend on books?
#6. The patient is too weak……….
#7. Assam is in……………East of our country.
#8. ……..only thing you missed is his lecture.
#9. One of my friends………..a doctor.
#10. When the manager came, they……….the task.
#11. She played…………..her friend.
#12. ………….comment on demonetization?
#13. Hardly had I got up………….she came.
#14. They drew a circle in the morning. – Change the voice.
#15. Suketu has no pen………
#16. The police made him ……….his crime.
#17. He will not object …………my proposal.
#18. I think I………this article.
#19. When Amitabh returned to the cinema, much water…………been flown.
#20. Find a correct statement.
#21. ………..a beautiful picture it is!
#22. She is the………….person in our village.
#23. Ashutosh does not think…………..this tricks will work.
#24. You are the man………..our professor respects the most.
#25. I am fond…………….reading.
#26. Raghu works in the office as if he……….a boss.
#27. One of the men…………..the culprit from that mob.
#28. The girl………….at the door is my sister.
#29. Please………..the door.
#30. I really enjoy…………..the poor.
#31. The plane took of………..Mumbai airport.
#32. Find the meaning of underlined word. ‘We hoped to visit a zoo but we visited museum.’
#33. He has improved his performance by……..again and again.
#34. To run ofer someone is to…………..
#35. A contry ruled by a king is…………
#36. I had……..headeche in the morning
#37. kusum’s father was …….London last month.
#38. Give nearest meaning : Appear
#39. Find nearly opposite meaning : Prosperity
#40. Give nearest meaning : Messenger
#41. We Should not smoke because………….
#42. Find nearly opposite meaning : Monarchy
#43. …………you are ill, I will act for you.
#44. Only you and…………can do this work.
#45. The abstract noun of young is……………
#46. Rahul said that he was not averse………the idea.
#47. My income is……….that of yours.
#48. The negative of : He is too dull to understand it.
#49. Find the word used for stranger from the following.
#50. Write the past form of : Think
નીચે આપેલ પરિક્ષાઓમાં આ Mcq Quiz ઉપયોગી થશે.
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