4 English Grammar Mcq (અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ)

4 English Grammar Mcq
4 English Grammar Mcq

4 English Grammar Mcq, અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ, English Grammar MCQ for competitive exams pdf, English Grammar mcq pdf in Gujarati, English Grammar mcqs with answers pdf, English Tenses PDF in Gujarati, English Grammar MCQ questions.

નમસ્કાર મિત્રો ! આ પોસ્ટમાં તમે અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ MCQ પ્રશ્નો અને જવાબો વાંચી શકશો. આ MCQ પ્રશ્નો સ્પર્ધાત્મક પરીક્ષાઓ માટે ઉપયોગી થશે.

વિષય :અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ
ભાગ :4
MCQ :151 થી 200
4 English Grammar Mcq

4 English Grammar Mcq (151 To 160)

(151) Fill in the blank.

(1) I shall punish you………. you confess your fault.
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) if

(B) whether

(C) unless

(D) but

Ans : (C) unless

(152) Select Past form of ‘to tread’

(A) trode

(B) trod

(C) troden

(D) trodden

Ans : (B) trod

(153) Both the friends were idle…………of them stood up to answer.

(A) Neither

(B) Either

(C) Each

(D) All

Ans : (A) Neither

(154) Do you know under……………leadership we won freedom?

(A) which

(B) whom

(C) whose

(D) who

Ans : (C) whose

(155) Find the correct spelling.

(A) perseverence

(B) perseverance

(C) perseveranse

(D) parseverence

Ans : (B) perseverance

(156) The person who conducts sales at which goods are sold to the persons making the highest bid or offer is called…………..

(A) conjurer

(B) bursar

(C) chairman

(D) auctioneer

Ans : (D) auctioneer

(157) Find correct spelling.

(A) buckey

(B) bouquet

(C) booket

(D) booquet

Ans : (B) bouquet

(158) A person’s life history written by some other person.

(A) biography

(B) autobiography

(C) geography

(D) biolife

Ans : (A) biography

(159) ……………people are smart enough not to be cheated.

(A) Urban

(B) Urbune

(C) Urbun

(D) Urbene

Ans : (A) Urban

(160) Throw this pen………. the dustbin.

(A) in

(B) in to

(C) on

(D) none

Ans : (B) in to

4 English Grammar Mcq (161 To 170)

(161) Give plural form of: ‘sheep’

(A) sheep

(B) ships

(C) sheeps

(D) sheepses

Ans : (A) sheep

(162) The cattle…………. grazing in the field.

(A) am

(B) is

(C) are

(D) was

Ans : (C) are

(163) Give plural form of: ‘Hypothesis’

(A) Hypotheses

(B) Hypothisis

(C) Hypothysis

(D) Hypothises

Ans : (A) Hypotheses

(164) Pick out the odd word form:

(A) dentist

(B) doctor

(C) pupil

(D) engineer

Ans : (C) pupil

(165) Imam Husain died…………… a noble cause.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) in

(D) at

Ans : (B) for

(166) A black smith uses…………

(A) drill

(B) plane

(C) trowel

(D) bellows

Ans : (D) bellows

(167) Find out the material noun.

(A) Folk

(B) Army

(C) Team

(D) Gold

Ans : (D) Gold

(168) Rohan was………… till death by the decoits.

(A) hanged

(B) hung

(C) hunging

(D) hunged

Ans : (A) hanged

(169) He said ‘I shall go as soon as it is possible.’

(Turn into Indirect speech)

(A) He said that he should go as soon as that was possible.

(B) He said that he would go as soon as it was possible.

(C) He said that he shall go as soon as it is possible.

(D) He said that he will go as soon as that was possible.

Ans : (B) He said that he would go as soon as it was possible.

(170) Make exclamatory sentence of:

‘They are very hard-working people.’
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) How hard-working people are they!

(B) What hard working people are they!

(C) What hard working people they are!

(D) How a hard people they are!

Ans : (C) What hard working people they are!

4 English Grammar Mcq (171 To 180)

(171) Our teacher told us that knowledge is power. (Change the voice)

(A) We were told by our teacher that knowledge is power.

(B) It is told by our teacher that knowledge should be power.

(C) It is told by our teacher that knowledge must be power.

(D) It is told by our teacher that knowledge could be power.

Ans : (A) We were told by our teacher that knowledge is power.

(172) ………….do you think, will get the first prize?

4 English Grammar Mcq
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) Who

(B) Whom

(C) Whose

(D) How

Ans : (A) Who

(173) Translate the following sentence in English:

(1) હું હજી મૂંઝવણમાં છું કે વિજ્ઞાન વરદાન છે કે અભિશાપ?
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) I have been in a confusion yet, whether science is a boon or curse.

(B) I am confused that science is boon or curse.

(C) I were confusion that science is boon or curse.

(D) I yet was confusion that science is boon or curse.

Ans : (A) I have been in a confusion yet, whether science is a boon or curse.

(174) A bunch of bananas was………………….. from the ceiling.

(A) hanged

(B) hung

(C) hanging

(D) hunged

Ans : (B) hung

(175) Translate the following sentence in English:

(1) તમારે તમારૂં વચન પાળવું જોઈએ.
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) You must keep your promise

(B) You keep your promises.

(C) You will keep promises.

(D) You must take your promise.

Ans : (B) You keep your promises.

(176) ‘;’ called……….

(A) comma

(B) colon

(C) semicolon

(D) inverted comma

Ans : (C) semicolon

(177) નીચે ચાર અંગ્રેજી શબ્દો આપવામાં આવ્યા છે. તેમાનો ક્યો શબ્દ ડિક્ષનરી મુજબ ગોઠવતાં ત્રીજા ક્રમે આવશે?

(A) Unimportant

(B) Unserstand

(C) Unneessary

(D) unethical

Ans : (A) Unimportant

(178) નીચેના શબ્દોને અંગ્રેજી શબ્દકોષના કક્કાવારી ક્રમ પ્રમાણે ગોઠવો.

(1) Epitaxy (2) Episode (3) Epigene (4) Epitome
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4

(B) 3, 2, 4, 1

(C) 3, 2, 1, 4

(D) 4, 2, 1, 3

Ans : (C) 3, 2, 1, 4

(179) If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often……….

(A) relaxed

(B) relaxing

(C) had relaxed

(D) have relaxed

Ans : (B) relaxing

(180) My sister is not……………intelligent……….my brother.

(A) so, as

(B) either, or

(C) neither, nor

(D) as, so

Ans : (A) so, as

4 English Grammar Mcq (181 To 190)

(181) This is a small……………interesting story.

(A) and

(B) or

(C) but

(D) if

Ans : (C) but

(182) Where……….they go yesterday?

(A) do

(B) does

(C) did

(D) were

Ans : (C) did

(183) Tell me,………you coming to the party?

(A) would

(B) are

(C) will

(D) was

Ans : (B) are

(184) He was accused…………. theft.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) with

(D) on

Ans : (A) of

(185) We regret that we cannot comply…………..your request.

(A) at

(B) with

(C) to

(D) for

Ans : (B) with

(186) ……………man is mortal.

(A) A

(B) An

(C) The

(D) No article is needed

Ans : (D) No article is needed

(187) They are studying…………. three hours today.

(A) Since

(B) for

(C) last

(D) at

Ans : (B) for

(188) He agreed…………….my demands.

(A) to

(B) with

(C) on

(D) in

Ans : (A) to

(189) There aren’t…………. apples in the basket.

(A) some

(B) few

(C) any

(D) much

Ans : (C) any

(190) I………………..leave now. It is too late.

(A) may

(B) shall

(C) should

(D) must

Ans : (C) should

4 English Grammar Mcq (191 To 200)

(191) We…………. arrived in Gujarat by the time you get this letter.

(A) will had

(B) will have

(C) had been

(D) have been

Ans : (B) will have

(192) She spoke………………. than he did.

(A) quicker

(B) more quickly

(C) most quickly

(D) quick

Ans : (B) more quickly

(193) Rohan plans…………. abroad next year.

(A) Studying

(B) to study

(C) study

(D) to studying

Ans : (B) to study

(194) They…………leave, did they?

(A) do

(B) did

(C) will

(D) didn’t

Ans : (D) didn’t

(195) Unless he………. he would be at work.

(A) were ill

(B) wasn’t ill

(C) was ill

(D) would ill

Ans : (C) was ill

(196) One Monday, …………. unarmed man stole gold chain from………. jewellery shop,…………thief hasn’t been caught yet.

(A) an, a, a

(B) an, an, an

(C) an, a, the

(D) an, the, a

Ans : (C) an, a, the

(197) Ram asked me to keep this secret…………….

4 English Grammar Mcq
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) in myself

(B) as secret

(C) amongst us

(D) between us

Ans : (D) between us

(198) In India the talent is prodigious, and it increases…………..

(A) each year

(B) year by year

(C) annually

(D) progressively

Ans : (B) year by year

(199) Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition:

(1) He Jumped……………the river.
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) in

(B) on

(C) into

(D) at

Ans : (C) into

(200) Fill in the Blank:

(1) …………bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
4 English Grammar Mcq

(A) A

(B) The

(C) No article is required

(D) An

Ans : (A) A

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4 English Grammar Mcq